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  • Writer's pictureTony Da Costa

The difference between Emotions, Feelings, & States (II/II)

Updated: Jan 21, 2021

What is a feeling? 

A feeling is a conscious or unconscious emotion fueled by one or more conscious or unconscious intellectual thought(s).

Now you understand, your emotion of joy can turn into a feeling of joy through thought. Based on this example, imagine that before her announcement of her pregnancy, your intellectual conscience remembers that your friend has wanted to be pregnant for years, you will then have “thought” intellectually and transformed this emotion of joy into a feeling of joy, invisible on your face, but still stored in you, for hours, days, months, and sometimes years or decades.

It is simple to understand that an intellectual thought can merge with emotions and give birth to feelings that will become “storable” for the long term, invisible on the outside, and yet perfectly felt by you only.

This feeling is then stored in the left hemisphere of the brain, in a thematic classification linked to the identity of your friend, in a “drawer” labeled with her first name, like everything that concerns her by the way. In this hemisphere, logic is essential, as is the storage of important data that should not be forgotten. However, the feeling of joy will benefit from double storage…

The pure feeling, stripped of its theme is meanwhile stored in the right hemisphere of the brain, in a classification related to its nature; “Feeling of joy,” in this example. It is in this “box of joy” that all the feelings of joy that you have felt in your life will be stored, whatever the theme, the events, or the people you lived them with. But there is a third nature of non-bodily feelings…

Illustration of emotions, feelings and states
Illustration of feelings and states

What is a state?

A state is a sensation; emotion and/or feeling conditioned or caused by external factors.

A state is commonly double conditioning of the emotional consciousness by external influences. This indicates that these external influences can generate an immediate emotion, but also a mechanism for storing feelings for the medium and long term, whether consciously or not.

Let’s take an example…

Imagine waking up after a good, restful night of sleep. It is sunny outside, and you are in joy (positive emotion). You eat breakfast, the news you hear is all good, you listen to your favorite music as you get ready for the last day of work of the week. It is Friday morning, you think of this evening when you have planned a dinner with friends. Your thoughts are positive and they add up to your joy (positive feeling). In short, everything is fine…

You arrive at work. There, you see a chaotic atmosphere, your colleagues are stressed, nervous, agitated, and angry. You learn that the service director has requested the closure of a file within the next hour and that he threatens with layoffs or sanctions if it is not done. You fall into the emotion of fear (to have a sanction), but also of disgust (to live this situation), of anger (to no longer be in joy). No longer being in joy, you will automatically be in sadness, at least in melancholy.

If the intellectual consciousness is not alert about your overall balance, your conscious and unconscious thoughts can convert all these negative emotions into negative feelings, which are very cumbersome for the psyche in the medium and long term.

You will no longer be able to access your immediate joy, you will be in a state of stress by porosity, by empathy, contaminated by the external negative emotions and feelings, at the beginning of the process. Nevertheless, you will give entertain their presence and their power by your thoughts, by “grumbling.”

Contrary to what one might think at first glance, once you have learned some rules for managing emotional conscience, it is possible to quickly understand everything that takes place there. The management of emotions even becomes “a child’s game.”

In brief:

This proverb was not chosen randomly, because it is the children in fact who have a lot to teach us about emotions. In this domain, a child is constantly in the living of his emotional consciousness as well as his spiritual consciousness. This article will not develop the topic of spiritual consciousness because the most important thing here is to understand that the emotional consciousness is quite often the consciousness that we master and know the least and which must be absolutely well managed for one to live a fulfilling and rewarding life.

The next articles will, therefore, aim in this same direction. In the meantime, it’s up to you to discern the emotional feelings in your daily life that may sometimes invade your being and learn to recognize them clearly.


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