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Unicity or unity, unicité ou unité, unicidade ou unidade, energy, energia, energie - Tony Da Costa


Patients often ask me, “What are the advantages of energy cleanse sessions?” Such a simple question whose answer deserves to wait on it, but before going into any more details, you should know about energy cleansing.


Explaining what this treatment is consisted of can be done in less than twenty seconds:


“During an energy cleanse session, the energetist works on your energy structure, without ever touching you, restoring the good circulation of vital energy. This vital energy is all around you and also inside you and is composed of cosmic energy (Yin) and telluric energy (Yang), both well known in Chinese energy medicine. Do you believe in acupuncture? If you do, then you believe in energy care.”


It is simple to explain the principle of energy care itself. However, it is much broader and more complex to explain what the treatment can bring to a specific person as it, ultimately, depends only on what “is not going well” with her. And in this area which consists on identifying the problem, the patient has no clue and the energetist can only have a precise idea after working on the person. It suffices to say that it is impossible to predict what a session will be able to help with in terms of self-healing and cleansing. Those who venture to predict it are only crooks, hucksters, or beginners still driven by their spiritual ego.

The only thing we can detail, however, is the list of all the things worked on in an authentic energy healing session.

In other words, what precise actions will be carried out:


  • Evacuation of the energies blocked in the chakras

  • Recharging of the chakras

  • Reconnection of the various "organs" of the energy body

  • Dynamisation of the energy flow in the etheric structure

  • Protection of the soul by filling in the holes located in the auras

  • Purification of the being through the cleaning of his auras

  • Improvement of instinct, intuition, spiritual guidance by bringing equilibrium to the patient


All this seems very esoteric, very abstract, very invisible and intangible, and yet, it is quite the opposite!


An energetic treatment, from the moment it is based on traditional Chinese medicine, is very technical and, if done well, it generates profound positive changes. Beyond the observation of a general state of well-being, it is quite easy to explain more precisely everything which can be improved through energy care.


Here is for example, and in each dimension of our being, what can be improved:


  • Physically:


The disappearance of fatigue and chronic symptoms and acute injuries, decrease or disappearance of chronic pain, significant improvement in sleep, increase of vitality and reflexes, improvement in cell regeneration and strengthening of immunity, a “boost effect” of the physical body self-healing.


  • Intellectually:


Increases concentration, better analyses, and reasoning, the disappearance of hyperactivity disorders, better “letting go,” need and/or better personal development and self-knowledge, thirst for studies and discovery of the world, increase in intellectual curiosity, motivation to life changes, better anchoring of thoughts in the real world (here and now), increased lucidity and discernment.


  • Emotionally:


Better management of emotions, therefore, increased self-esteem, better self-confidence, decrease or even disappearance of existential fears, return of the joy of living, disappearance of stress, increase in temerity and need for daily innovations, need for emotional autonomy and therefore global autonomy, liberation from archaic wounds/emotional traumas (when those have been understood!).


  • Spiritually:


Development of artistic creativity, increase of inspiration, better instinct, control of empathy and reduction of external energy absorption, reduction of exhausting energy links, development of intuition and mediumship, improvement in reading our path of life, the revelation of our missions in life, faster understanding of the mirror effects and stages that must be passed, unlocking dead-end situations, elimination of karmic memories linked to previous lives, alleviation of karma, facilitation of difficult stages in life.



All that?


Now that you understand a little bit more, it is impossible to have all those points worked on in only one single session. The dynamisation of those points only depends on your stage in life, the lucidity you carry about your life and the path you follow. You must understand that all that can be improved through an energy healing session is inherent in the fact that the symptoms or blockages that you are experiencing have become useless for your evolution. In brief, if you no longer need physical pain to understand what that pain was meant to teach you, it will detach from you, thanks to energy care. Thus, it is your journey, your personal development, your self-understanding, the wisdom that you have acquired from your life that can increase the positive impact of energy care sessions.

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